Jumat, 04 November 2011

Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending

So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something You said?
Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be

You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do [CD version]
All the stuff that you do [radio edited version]

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be


It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done

[Chorus x2]

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
So much for my happy ending

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Social Networking? Follow

Are you faced fake? dont to do... rwwwr~

Hey, You! I Miss You So Badly

Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Lady Gaga Fucking Famous Girls Tank Top

damn, i want to grab it now!

Jumat, 09 September 2011

1st years Anniversary, Cookies chocolate ala chef fitri

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Minal Aidin Walfaidzin
"Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin"

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

29 Agustus

Happy Birthday 18th, my dear

Hihi, hey guys ini dia kue buat ulang tahun pacar gue semalem...... Black Forest Chocolate hmmmm yummmy:3

Aku juga dapet coklat dari dia juga loh..... inyiminyi makasih ya pacarku:p

Surprise, semalem emg udah gue rencanain buat dia sama teman-temanya. Walaupun sebelumya dia udah ngeliat gue duluan hehe, aku juga dapet surprise kenalan sama orang tua nya semalem.... OMG!NERVOUS guys(lo hrs tau) tapi is let it flow hehe..

Selamat ulang tahun ya sayang, God bless for you...........................

Happy Birthday say

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Cookie Chocolate ala GoodTime, Yummmmmy :9

Bahan :

100 gram butter
100 gram gula tepung
225 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
25 gr coklat bubuk
1 butir telor
1/2 sdt vanili
1 sdt pasta coklat
100 gr dark cooking chocolate, lelehkan
Sedikit choc chip warna warni utk hiasan

Cara Membuat :

1. Aduk semua bahan diatas (kec. dark cooking choc + choc chip) sampai tercampur rata

2. Giling adonan, cetak sesuai selera, atau bentuk sesuai selera, beri hiasan choc chip

3. Panggang dalam oven panas 120C selama 35 menit

4. Angkat, dinginkan

5. Celupkan kedalam coklat leleh, dinginkan

6. Simpan dalam wadah tertutup

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Sorry udah lama ga ngurus ini blog soalnya gue lg sibuk ngurusin tugas sekolah~ yg se abrek-abrek. skg gue udh kelas 3SMK sesuai dengan kejurusan gue, gue lg sibuk ngurusin Project Work(PW) atau bisa di bilang tugas akhir gue selama smk sebelum ujian kompetensi. gue lg dapet project buat publikasian penyiaran tv digital kepada masyarkat yg termasuk kategori iklan layanan masyarakat dan ashitnya itu gue keliru dan hrus ngerjain PW 2kali karna iklan termasuk dalam kategori Animasi yg di ujikan bukan kategori Multimedia.................. tp it's okay akhirnya skg double kerjaan gue jg rencananya mau buat website juga buat kategori multimedia gue yg di ujikan, thanks to BPPT(Badan Pengkajian Penerapan Teknologi) yg udah mau kerja sama gue, hehehe. GLuck for me

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Sorry dude im kinda bussy leave message on my twitter or heello
@RHFitri <--------- usr twitter n heello

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Sorry guys long time not posting, im kinda bussy now of my lesson. awwrrd!

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

thanks god now im 12 grade high school

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Prince William & Princess Kate Middelton

Minggu, 24 April 2011


hey, guys! what's up.
23rd, Saturday 2011 tonight Justin Bieber live concert in Sentul International Convention Center, Bogor, Indonesia.
Katanya sih seru haha soanlnya gue ga nonton langsung sih. menurut berita Justin menghibur penggemarnya 10.000 org di SICC dengan membawakabn lagu sekitar 16 lagu diantaranya Runaway Love, Favorite Girl, One Less Lonely Girl, That Shoul Be Me,Never Say Never, Pray dan tentu saja Baby. Konser berlangsung selama 100 menit dimulai pukul 08.00 WIB. Pasti bahagia bgt deh yg nonton Justin secara langsung, selamet deh buat para BLIEBER indonesia. tak hanya itu sambutan dan ke gilaan para fans justin sudah tersa sejak justin tiba di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta bersama kekasihnya, Selena Gomez pada pukul 16.00 WIB. okay deh, Justin walaupun gue bkn termasuk fans fanatiknya tp ya cm sekedar suka aja terimakasih ya udah dateng ke Indonesia.

Justin Bieber bersama Selena Gomez
baru tiba di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, prikitiuw

Kamis, 21 April 2011

dear Bruno Mars

i cant MOVE ON. again i sit here TALKING TO THE MOON. i would catch a GRENADE for you, because you are amazing JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. this girl cant help it, because its ALL SHE KNOWS. i wish there wasnt this LONG DISTANCE between us, but someday i hope we can RUNAWAY together. so until they day we meet, i will sit and sing the LIQUOR STORE BLUES and wonder WHO IS perfect as you ?

Selasa, 19 April 2011

oh mungkin aku bermimpi menginginkan dirimu untuk ada disini menemaniku
oh mungkin kah dia yang jadi kekasih sejatiku
semoga tak sekedar harapku

Minggu, 17 April 2011

hari ini adalah hari pertama UAN a.k Ujian Nasional hehe untuk anak kls 3 SMA/SMK/SMP/SD.
gue selaku adik kelas yg baik hati, rajin menabung, dan tidak sombong
turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini dengan cara Berdoa kepada kakak kelas ku
semoga 2011 tahun ini di seluruh indonesia LULUS 100% dalam UAN&UAS, Amin.

Keep spirit nd pray wth god, guys.

especially to ..
pacar ku'e yg lagi UAN minggu ini semoga sukses, love you

Sabtu, 16 April 2011


Jumat, 15 April 2011

sorry I'm very sensitive and emotional person

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Cassius - I Love U So (Official Video)

Spongebob say..

Senin, 11 April 2011

OMG!! Crazy, tiap hari gue selalu nyanyiin lagunya
James Morrison - You Give Me Something atau sekedar dengerin lagunya aja.
Setelah gue nonton filmnya Made of Honor yg dimana lagu itu adalah salah satu
soundracknya u,u dan gue lgs aja search di google dan lgs download ini lagu.
so sweet bgt ♥♥♥ gue sampai berimajinasi semoga ada cowok/pcr gue ke kl
mau atau kl perlu James Morrison kl perlu bawa gitar
dan nyanyiin lagu ini buat gue i,i
i love,love it,love it this song

James Morrison - You Give Me Something

Minggu, 10 April 2011

James Morrison - You give me something

If you wanna stay with me in the morning
You only hold me when I sleep
I was meant to tread the water
Now I've gotten in too deep
For every piece of me that wants you
Another piece backs away

'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
'Cause someday I might know my heart

You already waited up for hours
Just to spend a little time alone with me
And I can say I've never bought you flowers
I can't work out what they mean
I never thought that I'd love someone
That was someone else's dream

'You give me something
That makes me scared, alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
'Cause someday I might call you from my heart
But it might be a second too late
And the words I could never say
Gonna come out anyway

'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
'Cause you give me something
That makes me scared, alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
'Cause someday I might know my heart
Know my heart, know my heart, know my heart

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

do you love danbo?

Rabu, 06 April 2011


Aaaa gue pengen banget semalem nonton Bruno Mars konser di Istora senayan u,u
tapi apa daya gue cuma seorang pelajar yg ga punya byk duit buat beli tiket segitu mahalnya.
sekarang ya gue cuma bisa cari info aja deh tentang konsernya semalem, kayanya seru tuh!hem

ada yg nonton konsernya Bruno Mars ga semalem?please comment hehe

longlast and we beloved ever, baby

love you

Senin, 04 April 2011

ternyata gue baru menyadari selama ini gue adalah wanita yang cengeng
yang hanya bisa menangis bila mulut gue udah ga bisa berkata apa-apa lagi dan hati ini merasa tertekan dan timbulah tetesan air mata ...

gue udah berusaha tegar, dan janji sama diri gue ga akan nangis lagi di depan cowok karna itu adalah sebuah hal yg memalukan!!

hem tapi emang dasarnya gue cengeng di jailin sm temen-temen aja udah nangis.

im not proud of this!! but i try to be stronger nd try no tears in my eyes.

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Lady Gaga - Born This Way

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

when an event makes the woman became upset because her boyfriend and decided toact .... ?

She : I was very disappointed and upset with my boyfriend tantrum
Buddy : then what do you think?
She : We have different opinions and he does not know what I mean anymore
Buddy : better, dude think again and talk to your boyfriend are doing well again
She : but he does not just hurt my feelings but you also, I feel offended by it?
Buddy : is talk and make him change buddy

The next day we were talking alone with her ​​own fine introspect andeach other. eventually he'll change and realize the mistake ...

thanks friend even though I do not directly thank you but with your advice. My mindbecame open to more adult. and now me and him are still together

especially bigghugg nd love you're
Gaby Antania Nadira, Anisa Indriani, Rizkika Amalia

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Sixteen going to Seventeen

I'm proud I'm Seventeen years old.
not afraid anymore to be an adult woman someday.
hope my wishes come true on this day.
gratitude for the
prayers of you all, love you guys

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Just Share it!

okay, i found a cool site that can I say. there are so many video collection of photosmainly cool. andoften I download the photos to the collection in my album and I've alsojoin with the site.

So i just share

I love it

We Heart It

Happy Anniversary 6 Month

6 September 2010

*maaf ya telat posting

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011


Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Beware !!!

Diane Keaton for Vogue Paris

Glasses, vintage cameras, masculine style of dress, blazer and cap. It's really cool. Pictures taken by Swedish fashion photographer Mikael Jansson for Vogue Paris.

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Raditya Dika membuat saya *IDIOT!!

(gue baru baca ini aja :3)

hallo guys :Xo
maaf ya baru posting lagi hehe soalnya gue udah jarang online lg sibuk pkl yang taaaaaak kujung kelar :-x .btw selama kebetean gue prakerin kalau lg gada kerjaan akhir2 ini gue lg seru bgt baca novel2 nya Raditya Dika hehe. sebenernya itu novel lama tapi gue nya aja kuper haha abis terlalu dominan sm novel cinte cinteh. sumpeh tu novel topps abeeesh koclak,seru,gokil bisa ngilangin stress jg haha~(',')~ gue jadi terinsfirasi gitu waktu gue tau ternyata novel itu diary journal nya Raditya Dika di blognya dan itu adalah blog pertama yang dibuku kan di Indonesia. Salut deh :-)

jeng... jeng.. jeng ini dia kambing jantan alias Raditya Dika

oya dia jg punya web ini dia bagi yang mau buka tinggal clik aja!okay
for ur informationwaaaaaaa kaget gue sumpah tapi gatau deh itu bener RD yg mention atau nga :XO hehehe